We hold our factories to the highest ethical and environmental standards. Our factories are annually inspected by a non-affiliated third party auditing company. In addition, Three Layer makes numerous unannounced visits to our factories throughout the year. At the present time our factories are WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production) certified. WRAP is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the certification of lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing throughout the world. The objective of the Apparel Certification Program is to independently monitor and certify compliance with the following standards, ensuring that a given factory produces sewn goods under lawful, humane and ethical conditions.
- Compliance with Laws & Workplace Regulations
- Prohibition of Forced Labor
- Prohibition of Child Labor
- Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse
- Compensation & Benefits
- Hours of Work
- Prohibition of Discrimination
- Health and Safety
- Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
- Environment
- Customs Compliance
- Security
If you would like to learn more about WRAP and it’s accredited auditing companies, please visit their website at www.wrapapparel.org
Since price and delivery will always be an issue in off shore production, we made it a point from the beginning that our factories be vertical so we can always be cost competitive and offer desirable turn times. Knitting, dying, cutting, sewing, washing, embellishing and all packing and finishing are done on site.